
Me and Sabine went to the bank today. Chaos! Seriously! First the bank guy didn't know how to do with their new computer system. So he had to get his boss and then a girl to help him. And the worst thing was that the guy didn't even look at me and didn't speak to me even though it was about my bank account. He talked to Sabine about me and my card. Not that I would have understand if he would have been spoken to me, but anyway. So I liked that Sabine asked if he couldn't speak English and that she didn't think it was polite to talk to her when it was my bankcard we where there to fix. I didn't like him. His boss was anyway nice, because even if Sabine was answering on the questions he at least looked and asked me.

Postat av: amanda

bra gjort av sabine att säga till honom!

2010-01-27 @ 17:10:49
Postat av: Ellen -

Ah jag känner igen det där. Sa var det för mig när vi var till skolan för att anmäl mig till en tyskakurs. Gubben tittade pa Jens och fragade 'och hur mycket tyska pratar HON', 'tror du att HON förstar vad jag säger', 'hur mycket tyska förstar hon. Vi maste veta det sa att vi kan sätta henne i rätt grupp'. Gah! Sa jäkla störande. Är det inte bättre att fraga mig da, sa märker han om jag förstar eller inte.

2010-01-29 @ 20:47:25


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