
Me and the girl watched "The Core" yesterday and honestly, it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Some people are going to the middle of earth to...do something I really can't remember (or didn't understand). I don't think I would have thought it was better even if I would had understand everything. Not I movie I would recommend.

This morning I went with the girls and their dad to their riding lesson. I only say one thing - cold. I'm sure I got my hands, legs and toes frost-bitten, haha! It was so nice to get inside and change to some new, warmer, clothes. And we have been playing a little bit with their guinea pigs that's quite cute but really stupid.

"Revolverheld - Spinner" is playing on the radio now and when it's over I will go upstairs again. Ciao!

(and yeah, if I have the time and energy to answer mails today, I will do that. But probably it will be tomorrow!)



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