Weird dream!
I had such a weird dream this night. I was at my grandmothers house and it was a big flood at the parking lot were cows were trying to get over. And 80% of the cows were already over and suddenly I see a little cow baby (that had a body as a human baby) and it had closed eyes so I told my grandmother that we had to save it. But she said that the cows would take care of it, but when I saw them just rush by I felt like we had to save it. So we took a jacket, that we just found, and in some way we could get this cow baby up. And put on some clothes on it (which I had in my own jacket) and talked calm to it. When I came home to my grandmother I had, of some reason, put the little cow in a plastic box. And when I opened it the baby cow had turned into sliced ham without clothes. And I felt so sick and just wanted to puke and I got so angry at myself. And then my grandmother said: "We could always give it to your cousins" and when I was about to puke I woke up!