Resor 2010
Den 3 Juni kommer jag, Anjelica och pappa åka till London.
Vi bokade hotell och flyg för någon dag sedan.
Jag köpte Beatsteaks biljett till mig och Anjelica igår.
Beatsteaks biljett till Prag beställde jag i Tyskland och den kom förra veckan.
Nu ska bara hotell och flyg bokas.
Åker dit med farmor den 10 Juni och stannar i en vecka.
Det bästa med det hela är att jag fyller 20 under den perioden så hela resan är en födelsedagspresent från farmor till mig. Alltså behöver jag inte betala ett öre för resan.
I mitten av Juli åker jag och Anjelica till Berlin där vi ska spendera en vecka tillsammans. Vi ska göra allt de där vanliga, turista och kolla på sevärdheter.
I slutet av Juli/början av Augusti åker hela familjen ut på en två veckors resa med husvagnen. Vi ska åka runt i Frankrike och Tyskland. Åka till lite ställen vi tidigare varit på och så.
I slutet av Augusti åker, återigen, hela familjen till Riga. Det blir en kryssning. Denna resa är en sen födelsedagspresent till vår pappa som fyllde år i slutet av förra året.
Jag har alltså en massa resor att se fram emot, vilket jag även gör. Därför kommer det bli svårt för mig att slösa pengar på saker som inte har med resorna att göra. Måste spara vart enda öre.
I will miss my room, the surroundings and of course the family that brought me a lot of happy memories on this short time. But right now I just feel I have to concentrate on myself and work with myself until I'm feeling better.
So just show some respect until I'm feeling able to talk more about this (:
Healthy life

My healthy life really healthy. Didn't eat any sweets yesterday and, so far, nothing today either. Also went to the store and bought "vegetarische Schnitzel" and two pears to the salad (one of them in it). I think I will go to the store tomorrow too so I can buy chocolate to my grandmother. Only because I'm such a adorable grandchild, haha.
Gain weight.
I have probably gain at least three kilos since I came here and it just doesn't feel comfortable anymore. So I have decided that my healthy life starts today. No more muffins, no more schlagsahne, no more ice cream and absolutely no more nutella. Shouldn't either eat so much white bread and pasta as I do. Have to find some imagination when it comes to my lunches.
And I should at least go for a walk every day. But today I'm just to tired to do anything at all. Don't know how I can be so tired. Went to bed in reasonable time yesterday but even though that I woke up at about half past ten and was deadly tired. Have been hoovering the down floor and I think that's enough exercise for today.
The Great Commandment
Linie 1 in Bad Salzuflen!

This is how all the houses where looking like. Really fancy but almost all of them where dark. It almost felt like a ghost town.

Sound check for the band. They had a really good drummer and when I heard him play I started to miss playing drums.

Went into the middle of the city to get something to eat. This clock tower looked really beautiful. But it doesn't look so nice on picture.

Me and S is sitting and waiting for the show to start again after the break.

Ooh, the show was just soooo good. Would love to see it again. And the music where really good and the actors voices were fantastic!

Taking down the stage.

Me on stage, haha!


Have been watching two movies today. Both of them is borrowed from my uncle.
Race to Witch Mountain:
The Secret of Moonacre:
Trailers are usually good, but not those two. The movies are much better then you might think after watching the trailers.
Few pictures

And a lot of people have been asking me if I have been in the middle of the snowstorm in Germany. And I can only ask "which snowstorm?!" because the weather have been great here! (or maybe not today, but some days this week)

Fifteen degrees in the sun for some days ago. Not that it felt that warm, but anyway.

Spotify and the LA's
This song have been playing on and on this morning. Love it!
Wonderful dream!
And I'm still sick but at least I have been able to eat two sandwiches, even though it hurts when I swallow. And today I feel sooo tired, like you don't want to move. Just sit and do nothing, or sleep. And the night was also tough. Couldn't sleep because as fast as I lie down it got hard to breath and I woke up many times. Hope this night will be better (:
Last couple of days.
This is the traditional things you have on pancakes in Germany which isn't really as in Sweden. But it was really, really good. Me and S had them all. And directly after S started to jump and I told her that if I do that, I will probably puke, haha.

And with this picture I will write about the soft drink here. The Sprite is sooo sweet. It's almost like drinking sugar. I mean, soft drinks are sweet, but this does not taste like the one we have in Sweden. And the Fanta..oh my! Fanta is my favourite soft drink, but here it taste like vitamin pills, you know those you put in a class with water. And I don't like them too much. So I have promised to bring me a bottle of Fanta from Sweden next time I'll go there, haha.

We had both snow and sun yesterday. Me and S did some snowman's (she did a guinea pig and I did Beatsteaks alá miniature). In the sun we had about 12 degrees which was wonderful. I will upload pictures on our snowman's when S sends the picture to me.

This picture was taken around 16.30 and it looks way darker then it was. But I'm sure it was jet black in Sweden at the same time. Am I right or am I right?!

Hello, I'm sick!
Hmf. I shouldn't complain but I feel like I have to. I'm sick, and it's just so typical because my German course would start today. So, instead of being in Minden now, I'm sitting at home with a big blanket (yes, blanket) around my neck - sore throat. And if I could choose, I would instead of swallow, spit the saliva out. It hurts so much that I haven't had something to eat yet because I'm prefer to starve then to swallow. I'm hate being sick.
First was Sabine sick, then S, and now me. M should be happy that she's not at home (she's in Austria with her school class).
This was my breakfast, yummy!!!