Last couple of days.
Here's some picture from the last couple of days:
This is the traditional things you have on pancakes in Germany which isn't really as in Sweden. But it was really, really good. Me and S had them all. And directly after S started to jump and I told her that if I do that, I will probably puke, haha.

And with this picture I will write about the soft drink here. The Sprite is sooo sweet. It's almost like drinking sugar. I mean, soft drinks are sweet, but this does not taste like the one we have in Sweden. And the Fanta..oh my! Fanta is my favourite soft drink, but here it taste like vitamin pills, you know those you put in a class with water. And I don't like them too much. So I have promised to bring me a bottle of Fanta from Sweden next time I'll go there, haha.

We had both snow and sun yesterday. Me and S did some snowman's (she did a guinea pig and I did Beatsteaks alá miniature). In the sun we had about 12 degrees which was wonderful. I will upload pictures on our snowman's when S sends the picture to me.

This picture was taken around 16.30 and it looks way darker then it was. But I'm sure it was jet black in Sweden at the same time. Am I right or am I right?!

This is the traditional things you have on pancakes in Germany which isn't really as in Sweden. But it was really, really good. Me and S had them all. And directly after S started to jump and I told her that if I do that, I will probably puke, haha.

And with this picture I will write about the soft drink here. The Sprite is sooo sweet. It's almost like drinking sugar. I mean, soft drinks are sweet, but this does not taste like the one we have in Sweden. And the Fanta..oh my! Fanta is my favourite soft drink, but here it taste like vitamin pills, you know those you put in a class with water. And I don't like them too much. So I have promised to bring me a bottle of Fanta from Sweden next time I'll go there, haha.

We had both snow and sun yesterday. Me and S did some snowman's (she did a guinea pig and I did Beatsteaks alá miniature). In the sun we had about 12 degrees which was wonderful. I will upload pictures on our snowman's when S sends the picture to me.

This picture was taken around 16.30 and it looks way darker then it was. But I'm sure it was jet black in Sweden at the same time. Am I right or am I right?!

Postat av: Din engelskafröken igen (Lisa alltså)
Plural av Snowman är snowmen. Snowman's är att säga "snömannens", det är alltså en ägande for :P Tänkte att det kunde vara intressant.. egentligen tror jag nog att du vet det.
Annars är man ju grymtavundsjuk på värmen där nere. Vad har vi liksom? -28 imorse. Hu. Kan vi gå i ide snälla?
Postat av: Ellen -
Ah ja jag hatar den tyska fantan. Den gar knappt att dricka. Haller mig till cola zero!
Postat av: zara/nä
men man äter ju äppelmos, grädde och socker här med :O iaf i min familj
Postat av: Malin
SV: Det tänkte jag med på när jag läste det! Helt sjukt att dom ens kan tänka tanken när dom är så mycket för att rädda världen och alla som är drabbad av krig, katastrofer osv.
Postat av: Johana
söt blogg!