
Me and Sabine went to the bank today. Chaos! Seriously! First the bank guy didn't know how to do with their new computer system. So he had to get his boss and then a girl to help him. And the worst thing was that the guy didn't even look at me and didn't speak to me even though it was about my bank account. He talked to Sabine about me and my card. Not that I would have understand if he would have been spoken to me, but anyway. So I liked that Sabine asked if he couldn't speak English and that she didn't think it was polite to talk to her when it was my bankcard we where there to fix. I didn't like him. His boss was anyway nice, because even if Sabine was answering on the questions he at least looked and asked me.



Today me and S have been playing a lot of games, some of them harder then the other.

So this one for example. Look at it, small cute bears...does this look hard? I thought it was going to be really easy but it was actually the hardest one.

This one is my favourite. Such a fun game. Me and S is playing it all the time.

And oh, I remember myself playing this game so many times when I was younger. But I do have to say that back then I had skills. Now I don't even get by the third hole. And S is so good in it and I just can't come up with how she's doing!


Had my first Nutella sandwich for breakfast today. First it tasted so disgusting. Something that sweet on a sandwich - no thanks! But after a while it actually tasted quite good so I managed to eat a whole sandwich with it on. And I'm sure this was not the last time.

Picture source


This is the church in the town I'm living in. And from now I will call the town P-town due respect to the family. 

The sky

So...this is me.

A smiley that S did in the snow.


It was a lot of snow when I woke up this morning but I actually didn't mind when I saw the sun shining.

Sabine drove me to Minden so I could "explore" the city by myself while she did some errands. I walked by the river "Weser" and it was a lot of gulls flying around. I'm sure they thought I was a big bread or something like that.

Weser and the "main entrance" bridge.

Bought this great Dalí calender for 2010. Really beautiful pictures in it. I also bought some birthday presents to my sister and mum that have their birthdays in about a month.

When we got home we made pizza. I usually never eat a whole one but I managed to do that today. Guess I was really hungry.

S and me will go downtown now and get a book she ordered some days ago.

Lost in city

Yesterday it started to snow, as you can see on the picture from the entry under this one. Obviously it have been snowing the whole night because it's a lot of snow...again. But the good news is that the sun is shining and it at least makes me a little bit happier.

Now me and Sabine will go to Minden. I'm going to explore the city (read: get lost and end up sleeping under a bridge). So, if I'm not back in some hours you can start looking under all the bridges. You will probably find me looking like a smurf or something like that. Bis bald!

Shaun das Schaf

I let this video speaks for the day:

I'm writing this blog entry with the girls. And it's snowing outside and it's probably going to get colder. We also eat candy like Mars and something that we can't remember the name of. The girls mum is crazy because she did her wallpaper on the computer to "Shaun das Schaf" and we have pimped our computers.

This is a Mars flower that M did:


Even in Germany they're writing about Victoria and Daniel. Are they really that interesting?

Die Eisprinzen!

This morning I woke up in panik. I have overslept. I was going to wake S up and make her breakfast before she went to church (confirmation thing). So I got dressed and all that when I look at the clock and see that it was a whole hour left until I should wake her. It was only to go back to bed and sleep.

Yesterday we watched "Die Eisprinzen" (eng: Blades of Glory) and it's just such a fun movie. Had a great time with the girls! And they opened their "Polly" they go from me and it was so nice to taste some Swedish candy, haha. Think I will buy a lot of it next time I'm home.

Time to drink up my tea and answer all mails!


Me and the girl watched "The Core" yesterday and honestly, it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Some people are going to the middle of earth something I really can't remember (or didn't understand). I don't think I would have thought it was better even if I would had understand everything. Not I movie I would recommend.

This morning I went with the girls and their dad to their riding lesson. I only say one thing - cold. I'm sure I got my hands, legs and toes frost-bitten, haha! It was so nice to get inside and change to some new, warmer, clothes. And we have been playing a little bit with their guinea pigs that's quite cute but really stupid.

"Revolverheld - Spinner" is playing on the radio now and when it's over I will go upstairs again. Ciao!

(and yeah, if I have the time and energy to answer mails today, I will do that. But probably it will be tomorrow!)


Just watched some DSDS (Deutschland sucht den Superstar) with S and M. I think it was so much funnier then "Idol" in Sweden which is the same. In DSDS they use a lot of special effects. I was searching for a special video on YouTube but I didn't find it, but I found this:

S said that he comes back every year and tries to get "weiter" but never do. And he always wears different outfits and when he started to sing...OMG, what a voice, haha! You have to search on him (Menderes Bagci) on YouTube


Three Die Ärzte songs (Junge, Lasse Redn & Westerland) on five days, that's not bad.
Not when you compare it to Sweden where they don't even know who Die Ärzte is.
Or wait, they actually have one song on Spotify now, "BGS", that I've never heard of.

I have been listening to the same radio channel since I came here. It's called FFN and have the same jingle as "Rix FM" in Sweden. Thought you might wanted to know.


No, I didn't watch Chocolat til the end. I got too tired. So I was planing to watch the end as fast as I have had breakfast. Yesterday I was just so asocial and kept myself in my room. I don't know why but I was so tired all day long. But today I feel much more alert!

Movie time!

Yesterday I watched "Ratatouille", today it's time for "Chocolat". I hope I will have the energy to watch the whole movie. My eyes is quite tired and my bed looks so cozy right now. I could sleep but I'm in a movie-mood.


I don't know why but my Microsoft Word doesn't work anymore. I get it up and all that but I just can't write anything in it. And it makes everything so much harder because I usually always answer long mails in it. And if I feel like writing something I had to do it by hand.
Not that it's that hard, but I prefer not to.

Anyway, today me and Sabine have done a lot of things. Went to two big supermarkets, bought a lot of hay to the guinea pigs, went to "Hammer" to get some wood planks, went to a store were you could buy/get paintings done...yeah. That's some of the things we did, but it was fun!

And mum (+ rest of the family at home), I think you will be a jealous now because we bought those small.."soppa i koppen"-likish things where it's potato powder in it and when you pour water in it and blend them together it gets mashed potatoes. Those things we bought in Celle. We also bought those with pasta in it. I love them!

Weird dream!

I had such a weird dream this night. I was at my grandmothers house and it was a big flood at the parking lot were cows were trying to get over. And 80% of the cows were already over and suddenly I see a little cow baby (that had a body as a human baby) and it had closed eyes so I told my grandmother that we had to save it. But she said that the cows would take care of it, but when I saw them just rush by I felt like we had to save it. So we took a jacket, that we just found, and in some way we could get this cow baby up. And put on some clothes on it (which I had in my own jacket) and talked calm to it. When I came home to my grandmother I had, of some reason, put the little cow in a plastic box. And when I opened it the baby cow had turned into sliced ham without clothes. And I felt so sick and just wanted to puke and I got so angry at myself. And then my grandmother said: "We could always give it to your cousins" and when I was about to puke I woke up!

Mittwoch 200110!

Just watched Ratatouille. How I love that movie. First I had it on German, but didn't understand much at all, so I switched to English and it was much better. Think I will watch it again in some months and the I probably will understand a lot more if I have it in German. I also got to borrow a book from S called "Bone". Hadn't heard about it before but it seems to be quite good and not that hard for me to read and understand.

Picture source

S also took me into the city today and I was honestly surprised of what I saw. And no offence family but it was so much more then I had thought. Which is really good so I'm really happy about it. So I think I maybe will go there tomorrow and buy myself a calendar because I really need a new one.

I really like it here because it's not as stressful as in Stockholm!


Some details that I just love in my room:


Yesterday we had this to dinner (and I had it to lunch today) and it just had this funny name. I had to ask S how it spelled, "Nudelauflauf". It looks like some kind of "pastagratäng" as we say in Sweden. Mine had broccoli and mushrooms and it was just sooo good. I loved it, a lot of cheese on it too!

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